Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely

Double Pucked by Lauren Blakely

Genre: Contemporary romance
Tropes: roomies-to-lovers, throuple, polyamory, hockey romance, ultimate revenge f*ck

“There comes a time in many a woman’s life where she asks herself the question—will I ever take a d!ck up my a$$?”

I’m proud to admit that I now have a new trope kink. Can we hear it for the hockey players! Good, god, they’re hot AF, and when you have two working together to make a woman who’s had nothing but lacklustre sex her entire life, you can bet your ass I’m salivating.

Trina has just found her boyfriend has cheated on her so channelling her inner Swifty, she doesn’t take that shit lying down. Nope, she gets the ultimate revenge on her hockey-loving ex and steals two tickets to a VIP event he’d won.

Rkyer and Chase are best friends and rival cross-town hockey players, and after accidentally dating the same woman in the past, they made a pact to never let another woman come between them. That seems like a pretty easy promise to keep until they meet their VIP winner, Trina, and find that they’re both attracted to the fiery woman in red cat's eye glasses. 

After they find out she’s never experienced a proper O, they take it upon themselves to share her for one night only. Trina is definitely on board with that, deciding to live dangerously and get the ultimate revenge on her ex. The problem they now have to navigate is whether they can settle for just one night together, or whether they want more. 

I really enjoyed Double Pucked. The spicy scenes were on point and oh so smutty. Loved how their relationship developed as they try to navigate their new relationship. Also loved Trina’s three-legged, pantie-eating dog who stole the show right from chapter one. 

If you love dirty-talking hockey players, sassy bookstore owners, three-legged rescue dogs and lots of the spicy stuff, then you’ll want to grab this book.

K xx

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